For this expertise area, courses that helped me develop the most include:
- USE Secret Life of Light
- Project 1 Design
- USE basis: Ethics and history of technology
To be able to design in a user-centered way, this expertise area is really important. I have been doing a lot of user tests this year and it has helped me a lot to gain insights in what a user is looking for in a product. It also gives you different perspectives of what your final design should do and how it should look like. Something I have learned which I think is very important is that the people you are cooperating with do not have to give a really professional opinion about the thing you are testing. As long as you are able to translate their thoughts into valuable information and you know what to do with it, the user test is useful to do. I learned about different methods to do user tests such as the method of co-constructing stories or a probe analysis. These were both useful and I am sure that I will use these in the future too.
Prototypes used for the user test for Co-Coach. Read more here